Emerging Technologies for Connected Internet of Vehicles and Intelligent Transportation System Networks : Emerging Technologies for Connected and Smart Vehicles
ความนิยม :

This book discusses vehicular communication systems, IoT, intelligent transportation systems and the Internet of Vehicles, and also introduces destination marketing in a structured manner. It is primarily intended for research students interested in emerging technologies for connected Internet of Vehicles and intelligent transportation system networks; academics in higher education institutions, including universities and vocational colleges; IT professionals; policy makers; and legislators. The book can also be used as a reference resource for both undergraduate and graduate studies. Written in plain and simple language, it describes new concepts so that they are accessible to readers without prior knowledge of the field.

วันที่เผยแพร่ : Jan 19, 2021
สำนักพิมพ์ : Cham, Switzerland : Springer. 2020
หมวดหมู่ : ทั่วไป
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245 a : Title 
Emerging Technologies for Connected Internet of Vehicles and Intelligent Transportation System Networks : Emerging Technologies for Connected and Smart Vehicles 
100 a : Author 


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